Sprint Guide
- Each sprint named – convention: <adjective> <animal>
- Each sprint lasts 2 weeks
- Scrum occurs every 2 weeks
- Release dates every two weeks, or amended in sprint
- Collate all requests before the scrum in the idea column
- No daily huddles – we essentially huddle with ourselves, updating the board
- Elevate obstacles where needed, if there is nothing in obstacles, everything should get done
- Project owner
- Ordering the backlog to best achieve goals and missions;
- Ensuring the Team understands items in the Backlog to the level needed.
- Scrum master
- Facilitate scrum meetings
- Constantly feedback to team on scrum improvements
- Create sprint notes and release notes
- Reallllyyyy needs to stay on top of timings, ordinarily has a stop watch and a bell to alert team to move on. To begin, will just time and nag!
Example Agenda
Sprint Recap
- Run through all tasks in the complete, did they take longer or shorter than expected?
- Any incomplete tasks? How many points left on the incomplete tasks? Why did they stutter?
- What sheets/roadmaps need to be updated
- What is ready to release? Sprint release date still on target? Which regions?
Story Points
- Pointing system: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100.
- Relative to time, below is a suggestion but we can discuss in the sprint:
- 0 = takes little to no time
- 0.5 = half an hour
- 1 = 1 hour
- 2 = 2 hours
- 5 = half a day
- 8 = a day
- 40 = a week
- 100 = one person’s entire sprint time
- Run through any absences in the sprint time, them work out how many points we have each available, for example 80 points for full two weeks dedicated to sprint
- Run through each and every idea, and allocate points to it on the Trello board
- Points can encompass anything that takes time, ie meetings with stakeholders
- Run through each label (content, automation, merchandising), and the sub-product owners run through the priority tasks
- Project owner steps in where needed, and prioritises tasks
- Long term, the scrum should aim to be self-sufficient, without the product owner who would provide vision beforehand
- Priorities shown by order in the column, top is high, bottom is low
- Label for urgent, or critical tasks
- Check the number of points per label aligns with team capacity
Useful Reads
If you want to read more, this link is super useful: https://www.scrumguides.org/scrum-guide.html
This article was prepared by Connor Banks
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