Let’s Talk About Racism
A genuinely mindful, collective approach has to include thinking about all people as individuals and engaging with them on those terms. That way your business will appear approachable and welcoming to all, and that way you will open your doors to the best talent.
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Mindful HR Consultant
We are seeking to partner with leadership, change and people development professionals, who would like to become part of a growing network of specialists contributing to a growing movement who are redefining how business operates.
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How to Ensure a Mentally Healthy Workplace
Mental Health and Wellness is as important, if not more important, in the overall compensation a member of staff receives for the work they do.
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How Well Does Your Team Function?
75% of cross-department teams are dysfunctional. Some of the reasons for failure include problems with coordination, motivation, and competition — as well as waiting too long to address these issues.
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Mindful Monday – Working a four day week?
There seems to be a growing backlash against overwork after Elon Musk tweeted that ‘nobody ever changed the world in 40 hours a week’.
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Voluntary Retention
Disillusioned, demotivated and unconvinced talents, vote with their feet and leave the business for pastures new...
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Mental health in the workplace
If employers are to get the absolute best of their employees, creating a positive and supportive workplace it needs to be engrained into its management structure...
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Is a 4 day working week possible?
With greater focus on employee wellbeing and investment in advanced technologies, can organisations achieve such an improved level of productivity that the traditional working week becomes just four days?
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